Escarleth: Breaking down her walls

By Courtney Sullivan


When you look at Escarleth, the first thing you may notice is her tough exterior. She dresses very masculinely and tries to keep her distance if she can help it. But once you start to break through, you find an incredibly warm and kind heart.

Escarlet has been a part of our young adult program several times over the years. In the past, she would stay for a while, and then ultimately something would lead her away again. Escarleth has had to grow up in a tough way. She was raised in and out of children’s homes, and experienced all sorts of abuse along the way. As a result, she learned to close herself off and not let things affect her. But over the past few years, God has been slowly chipping away at those walls.

Escarleth came back to us in early 2017 ready to try again, and this time she has been more committed than ever. Escarleth has never done well in traditional school. She has never finished a grade of elementary school, and she can’t read. But she is INCREDIBLY gifted creatively. This year, she was able to join the jewelry making program at another local ministry called Mi Esperanza, and it was a perfect fit. She shined in the program, so much so that she was offered a role earning money as part of the regular jewelry making staff.

The opportunity for Escarleth to succeed has done wonders for her confidence and given her a new skill. But even more than that, it has opened her up to possibilities and made her a more open person as a whole. The jewelry school teacher has talked about how, in the beginning, Escarleth wouldn’t even sit in the same room as the other girls while she did her work. Now she works, laughs and jokes alongside everyone else.

We love seeing Esarleth smile. It is infectious. We are so thankful for the way God is breaking down Escarleth’s tough exterior and leading her closer to him. We can’t wait to celebrate with this girl at Beach Christmas.

Hermilenda and Diestafano's family: Our gracious Beach Christmas hosts

By Amber Foster

Every year we are received by the sweetest family you will ever meet. Hermilenda and Diestafano treat us as if we are extended members of the family and do everything in their power to make our stay exceptional.  

Hermilenda, her daughters, now her daughters-in-law fix all of our meals and clean up after us as we hang out in their family’s restaurant all weekend. Restaurant, of course, is a very liquid term. We started out eating under a palm frond roof over a patch of sand, and we’ve watched as their little space has expanded into several “rooms” with a wooden floor. Hermilenda called me the other day to tell us that they have expanded even more in anticipation of our arrival.  

We have watched the five children grow into beautiful young men and women and begin to have children of their own. We’ve held the grandbabies and shared family stories. They are dear friends who treat us deep love.  

Every year we do our best to tip well and leave each member with a small gift of appreciation for all of the love they share with us.  Help us return a little bit of the love they so freely give to us. 

-If you would like to sponsor Hermilenda and Diestafano’s family, please click on the blog title and leave a reply in the comments section. The cost to sponsor their family’s gifts is $150. You can contribute online via the donate page of our website. You can also send check donations to P.O. Box 20454 Oklahoma City, OK 73156.-

Arol: Growing into an amazing young man

By Amber Foster


This year we have all stood back in awe as we watched 14-year-old Arol transform from an angst-y, angry tween to an amazing young man with a heart of gold. Arol carries so much responsibility for his younger siblings on his young shoulders, and we’ve all tried to help him lay some of that down. He doesn’t have to be their protector anymore, we’re here to be their parents.  

But there’s a spark in Arol for little ones. He and my one-year-old are fast friends, and he prides himself on being able to put her to sleep whenever we’re away from home with friends. He will ride his bike over just to get a chance to play with her before bed, and then chat about his day while I clean up the kitchen.  

Arol’s anger will always be a sensitive area for him, but I am so blessed to get to watch him learn how to control that and overcome his rough beginnings. He is a typical young adult who isn’t a big fan of school but is pushing through because he knows it’s best for him. He has overcome so much, and he continues to amaze me with the gentleness that he is able to share when he thinks no one is watching.  

Help us celebrate this year of growth watching all of the siblings play freely together with their friends at the beach without a care in the world.

Alba: Our loving house mom

By Amber Foster

Oscar and Alba are the perfect pair. Oscar is our stern disciplinarian and Alba is his loving, motherly wife. Together they are the perfect combination of strength and comfort that our young people need.

Most nights you can find Alba in the kitchen alongside the teens teaching them proper cooking skills and ways to prepare food for their own families someday. Instead of just heating food, she helps them prepare meals. She plays games with them and shares the word of God with them to get them through their struggles.  

It is rare the day that someone doesn’t say to me, “last night when I was reading the bible with Madre Alba….” then sharing some insight she has taught them. She struggles when they struggle and gets so frustrated when she feels like one of them is slipping back into old habits. She fights for them, because she knows that God wants the best for them. 

We are so blessed to have a couple so dedicated to loving our young people in the way that they are sorely lacking. Please help us give back to Alba as she continually pours out her heart for our ministry.

-If you are interested in sponsoring Alba, please click on the blog title and leave a reply in the comments section. A full sponsorship is $150. You can contribute online via the donate page of the website. You can also send check donations to P.O. Box 20454 Oklahoma City, OK 73156.-

Patrick: Excited for his first trip to the beach

By Amber Foster

Patrick is Skarleth’s 18-month-old little boy. I had the blessing of being an integral part of his infancy while his mama returned to work. He would spend his days with me and his nights with his mama.  

We have gone several rounds battling his little strong willed personality, but he is a joy to be around. He is a little ball of fire that definitely knows his own mind. He loves to chase a soccer ball around after church and is finally learning some independence from his mama.

He’s one of my favorite little “grandbabies”, and I can’t wait to watch him experience the ocean for the first time.  Help us bring a smile to this precious boy’s face.

-If you are interested in sponsoring Patrick, please comment on the blog title and leave a reply in the comments section. The full cost of sponsorship is $150. (Whatever is not used on food, gifts and lodging from the $150 will be given to Patrick's mom for essentials like diapers, etc.) You can contribute online via the donate page of the website. You can also send check donations to P.O. Box 20454 Oklahoma City, OK 73156.-

Skarleth: Daily seeking God's face

By Amber Foster

By Amber Foster


Skarleth and I have had a very rocky road. Watching her battle against addictions and pain has been hard. Having her do that in my home while also pregnant was something that only God gave me strength to endure. But I can say with great joy that she has come out on the other side a dedicated mother and dear friend.

Skarleth is very aware of her own demons and fights so hard against them. Within the last six months or so she has really rededicated her life to God and fought to have a relationship with Him. At least once a week she sends me a message asking deep theological questions that we wrestle with together. She genuinely desires to be who God created her to be, and I am honored to have a front row seat as she discovers who that is.  

Her love is hard won but fiercely defended, and she in an amazing mom to her little boy. In a lot of ways Patrick gave Skarleth a reason to fight. She’s fallen many times, but she keeps dusting herself off and coming back stronger.  

Please help us show this amazing young women that even though she has left our facility she will never leave our hearts, or our family.  

-If you would like to sponsor Skarleth, please comment on the blog title and leave a reply in the comments section. A full sponsorship is $150. You can contribute online through the donate page of the website. You can also send check donations to P.O. Box 20454 Oklahoma City, OK 73156.-