Dixon: Our funny, hardworking teen

Originally posted December 8, 2014


By John Carson

My friend Dixon has lived and the BC building for about a year now, and I have enjoyed getting to know her in that time. Like many teens in our building she comes from a broken and painful past; the death of her mother, a difficult father, and just generally chaotic living situations.

Dixon may be one of the funniest teens in the building, in my opinion. She is always cracking jokes with me and laughing about something that is happening around her. She has such a spunky nature about her and is so fun to watch interacting with the kids.

When Michael and I need someone we trust to babysit our children, Dixon is our go-to person. Dixon is also a hard worker. I often see her leaving the building to go for job interviews around town. And she even has a part-time job that contracts her when they need her help. I felt very proud of Dixon a while back. She chose to give some of the money that she had earned from working to Breaking Chains for future rent when she moves out on her own. It is a rarity for something like that to happen.

Please consider supporting this sweet, hardworking girl this Beach Christmas. She is working hard to reflect the love of Christ in her caring way.