Jimmy: Finding confidence and growing in accomplishment

Originally posted December 7, 2015


By Courtney Sullivan

Over the years, our ministry has enrolled several teens in education programs with varying levels of success. Many of our teens/young adults have stories and pasts that creep up and prevent them from achieving what they’re capable of. Sometimes, it’s just easier to quit. That is why we are so proud of Jimmy for finishing his year of high school.

Jimmy could easily have let his life circumstances get in his way, but he didn’t. He fought his way through and is ready to tackle even more next year. Jimmy can come off as quiet at first, but he enjoys meeting new people and learning about their experiences. Along with the rest of our teenagers, Jimmy attended a youth conference at Baxter earlier this year, and he said his favorite part was getting to meet so many new people. He also loves working with our U.S. groups, and jumped at any chance this summer to join them on a house build or play soccer.

Jimmy identifies himself as gay. Over the years, that has caused a lot of pain and rejection in his life from people that he loves. But we are hopeful that God is providing new experiences to Jimmy. He often attends church on Sundays with our house parents or youth minister, has found friends among our BC teens, and is being constantly poured into by our BC staff and volunteers. We are hopeful that through the love of those around him, Jimmy realizes the love of the Father and will find his worth in Him.

Jimmy has been with us since last year, but this will be his first Beach Christmas with us. Please consider sponsoring this hard-working teen for a wonderful time of relaxation on the beach with our Breaking Chains family!