Henyi: Brightly moving forward

Originally posted December 7, 2015


By Courtney Sullivan

Henyi and her family have been a part of our ministry for the past few years. She and her brother, Tobasque, are easy favorites among our visiting U.S. groups because of their big smiles and bubbly natures.

Henyi is also a very smart girl and has a love for learning. She gets tired and lazy sometimes like any preteen, but is always very excited to tell you when she does well in classes or completes projects. Henyi has a unique opportunity to break the cycle of poverty for her family. She is lucky that Martha, although a struggling single mom, has enough education to help Henyi with her homework and cares about her success in school. Henyi has been in private school for the last few years, and as long as she stays the course, will have the opportunity to go to college and open herself up to a wonderful career.

The next few years will be especially challenging for Henyi. Not only will her classes be more difficult as she enters middle school and high school, but she will also have to navigate the social pitfalls that plague so many young girls in Honduras. We pray that Henyi can continue to find her worth in God and that he will protect her and guide her as she seeks to make wise choices.

Please consider giving this girl another wonderful Beach Christmas with our BC family!