Angi: our preschool sweetheart

Originally posted November 26, 2013

Angi (right) with Alba after church one Sunday

Angi (right) with Alba after church one Sunday

By Amber Foster


We have had the absolute joy of watching 5 year old Angi blossom over the past year. She has gone from being a shy little mouse we rarely saw to a favorite of anyone visiting the building. With her funny little run, her bright smile, and eager hugs, Angi finds her way into the hearts of all who cross her path.

Angi went to preschool this year for the first time and was always excited to tell us about her day. Her sweet spirit has made her a willing sidekick to my bossy little princess. It is rare when they are both at the building that Rosie and Angi aren’t attached at the hip.

I’m very excited to see the two of them creating adventures and memories for themselves on our Christmas vacation.