Axel: Our little chatterbox

Originally posted November 20, 2013


Axel (right) with Dayana following Kindergarten graduation

Axel (right) with Dayana following Kindergarten graduation

By John Carson


On the days that I am the one to pick up the kids from school, Axel is the most difficult to find. He is always running around the school with all of his friends. He loves to be at school, and he loves to play with his friends there. Axel is great at being motivated to do his homework (probably because he wants to go play so badly). Most of the time he does it by himself without any help. Then he runs up and says in English, “I finish!” He doesn’t always have it perfect, but he’s open to correction. His teacher’s biggest complaint was that he talked too much.

I cannot wait to see what he grows up to become. His family is supportive in his education and they were beaming at his kindergarten graduation last Saturday. They are happy to know that he has the possibility for a better life for him and his future family. Axel will start first grade in bilingual school in February with all his friends.

Please consider celebrating this little boy and making his Christmas one to remember. Would you please sponsor him for Beach Christmas 2013? He will be ever so grateful, and he’ll definitely give you a hug if you ever get to meet him.