Edis: Working hard for her family

By Courtney Sullivan

Edis has been a part of our BC family for a while now, almost since its beginnings. She, her husband Eugenio and their children were one of the first families to live in our BC building back when housing families was a component of our ministry. Even now that they live on their own, they are still an important part of our family. All of their children are sponsored through our education program, and Edis and Eugenio are still a part of our church family.

Parenting isn’t always easy for Edis. She has a very limited education herself, so sometimes we have to push Edis just as much as her kids to understand the value of working hard in school. But she always does her best to make sure her kids have what they need, and she is proud of them when she sees them succeeding.

Edis has been selling tortillas in her community for a little while now. Her husband Eugenio works construction, but Edis has had a hard time finding work over the years. That is why we are so proud of the way she is making a way for herself and taking pride in her work. Earlier in the year, she asked us for a loan to buy some tin to put above her stand so that she could continue to work without getting wet during the rainy season. That kind of initiative is something we are proud to help support.

Edis loves her family deeply and works hard to make sure she is the best mother she can be. We are excited to share another Beach Christmas with her and her family. Please consider sponsoring Edis to share a relaxing weekend with her family! 

-If you would like to sponsor Edis, please click on the blog title and leave a comment in the comments section. The full cost of sponsorship is $150. You can donate online through the donate page. You can also send check donations to P.0. Box 20454 Oklahoma City, OK 73156. -