Rosie: A big personality and an even bigger heart

By Courtney Sullivan


We have many shy children in our BC family. Rosie is not one of them.

Rosie has never met a stranger. She easily makes friends with kids her age, and has an uncanny ability to befriend and see the needs in older people as well. When we pass out food on the street, Rosie can usually be found running around and laughing with the other kids. But it is not uncommon for her to also be found sitting beside someone on the curb who looks like they need a friend. God has given her a unique ability to see people how God sees them, rather than how the rest of the world sees them. 

The way Rosie has been and continues to be raised around our ministry gives her a different perspective and understanding about life than most children her age (and even many adults). She sees all different types of people in her daily life. She sees them struggle, fall and try to get back up. She sees them exude life but battle demons at the same time. She has a longing in her heart like the rest of us do to will people to push forward in life and create a better future. She has learned to deal with disappointment and loss, and seek God’s wisdom and understanding to get through it. And she has learned that God’s grace allows us to love people and give them second chances, even if we can’t always control the outcome. 

Rosie is full of energy and has a quick wit, which can sometimes get her into trouble. She can be a lot to handle, but she also has made a lot of room in her heart to help handle the burdens of others. We are so excited to spend another Beach Christmas with this little girl who is full of love and personality. Please consider sponsoring her this year.