Cyndi: a new mother finding her way

Originally posted December 3, 2012

Cyndi pictured with Gerson

Cyndi pictured with Gerson

We have several young mothers at our ministry. Each of them bubbling over with love for their little ones. Each of them want better for their little ones than they have had. And Cyndi   has the youngest little one of them all.

Cyndi has loved her little baby girl, Carly Sofia, since before she was born. She has never once acted like she regrets Carly. She loves that little one.

Cyndi has a lot to learn about all things baby, but she’s willing to listen. She’s willing to learn and accept Christmas, which in reality is what I think makes any good, first-time parent.

We’re not sure exactly what the future holds for Cyndi and baby Carly Sofia within our ministry, but we know we can find the right situation for Cyndi. That may mean beginning classes next next month at Mi Esperanza if we can find the support for her transportation and supplies.

Our team is proud of Cyndi and how she’s responded to motherhood. She’s very attentive and protective of little Carly.

We’re excited to see how Cyndi and her little one continues to grow for the better, and we’re thrilled to help them along the way. Please sponsor Cyndi and her first Christmas as a mother with us at the beach!