Diestafano’s family: Our gracious beach hosts

Originally posted December 9, 2014


By Courtney Mathews

There are a lot of things we love about our trip to Amapala. The beach, the quality time, the presents. But right at the top of the list is the food and the family that so graciously prepares it for us.

We met Diestafano’s family years ago and they have become dear friends to us since then. This humble family makes their living in the fishing industry and also has a small beach shack/restaurant on the shores of Amapala where they kindly host our meals for Beach Christmas.

When we arrive for Beach Christmas, Diestafano’s younger children will excitedly greet us as we get off the boat. Then a while later, we’ll all gather under the shade to eat a wonderful meal of fish, chicken or shrimp that has been prepared by the women in the family.

We’ll share a couple of other meals together, but the rest of the time will just be spent in fellowship. We love getting to spend time just catching up with one another and seeing how much their children continue to grow. We are grateful for their continual kindness and friendship, and we excitedly look forward to seeing them every year.

For all the ways Diestafano’s family blesses ours, we would like to be able to bless them as well with some Christmas presents again this year. Please consider a $125 donation to help us give gifts to our gracious beach hosts.